Behold, it's the new Democratic Party of the Roaring 2020s!
In the "Greater Cincinnati Politics" group on Facepoo, I opined that more elected officials should get behind the effort to repeal the Patriot Act. But one feller replied...
"Please get sober and see a therapist."
Oh, and that guy's a Democrat. Gee, what a shock!
Are the Democrats happy that they're now known as the party of the Idiot Act and technocratic authoritarianism?
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Democrat says I should "get sober" because I oppose Patriot Act
Posted by
10:00 AM
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
U.S. won't approve vaccine until April
Today, the U.K. approved the low-cost but promising Oxford vaccine to fight the novel coronavirus. This will give the U.K. enough vaccines to cover the country's entire population.
But what about the good ol' U.S. and A.? Welp, the U.S. has announced that it's not approving it until April. No particular reason. Just because.
Uh, it's the same stuff! If the vaccine works in Britain, why wouldn't it work in America? Tens of millions of doses have already been prepared for the U.S., and we can't use them for another 4 months? And this is a vaccine that the media falsely claimed would be ready this past September. (They made this claim in order to keep people quiet about restrictions lasting too long.)
I don't care to hear another word about how we're "killing Grandma" because we won't stay locked at home 100% of the time with 3 masks on, when the government won't even approve a life-saving vaccine. If anyone is spreading this virus, it's the government for not approving a vaccine that almost every other country is already rolling out.
This is simply inexcusable.
Posted by
6:56 PM
Freedom to fascism in 40 years
Balancing the values of humanity is the glue that holds every successful civilization together. A free people can't live in a society that doesn't balance liberty with equality and order. Without law, there'd be chaos.
But I've long ago run out of patience with those who say freedom doesn't matter and support placing unreasonable limits on personal behavior. We have become a fascist society. That's the most accurate word for it. And we're still fighting against the Patriot Act, of all things!
A small bipartisan group of congresscritters is trying to repeal the totalitarian Patriot Act. In past years, it was mostly Republicans that blocked repeal, but now it's primarily the Democrats. Democrats are accusing Patriot Act opponents of placing the rights of terrorists ahead of their victims, and claiming that the Patriot Act would have prevented 9/11. These claims are baseless.
This is the party I was a member of in college, and again in the late 2010s. Now it's complete and utter crap. Democrats have taken up a hobby that used to be predominantly Republican: openly ridiculing those who properly cite freedom as a defense for their own stances. Back in 2013, Jim Hightower called the Patriot Act a "grotesque, ever-mutating, hydra-headed monstrosity from the Bush-Cheney Little Shop of Horrors" and noted that both major parties were guilty of executing it. But the Democrats have gotten worse at a faster rate since then. Now it's almost automatic for Democrats to attack the motives and character of those who reasonably object to excessive government intrusion.
Democrats today are squealing schoolyard bullies who are even worse than the Republicans have been at their worst. Then again, many Democrats today say they were Republicans until Trump, but - as I said a few weeks ago - that means they were still Republicans under Bush.
This is one of the reasons America has gone from freedom to fascism in 40 years.
With the Patriot Act's repeal being blocked by those who openly scoff at the very notion of freedom, I guess there's not much hope to repeal a similar authoritarian measure from that era: the Real ID Act.
Posted by
11:44 AM
Monday, December 28, 2020
Have no fear, the January ish is here!
Guess what, peoplefaces? The January issue of The Last Word is now pub, and you're gonna read it until your navel flies off in public!
This ish talks about kids breaking brand new toys, whether the Constitution protects the right to watch Peanuts specials, comic books getting ruined by an overflowing bathtub, and more!
So point your pooper here...
If that doesn't work, bip on over here...
Posted by
7:32 AM
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Trumpers turn against GOP
In recent days, Donald Trump supporters have been holding rallies in Washington, D.C., and one of the biggest targets they've opposed is...the Republican Party. They've been chanting, "Destroy the GOP!" They've even booed Republican Senate candidates.
I don't want to give these protesters any credit, but as bad as the Republican Party of Donald Trump is, the Republican Party of George W. Bush and Mike DeWine is even worse. Hell, the Democratic Party today is worse, because it seems like every time you encounter a Joe Biden follower online, they always say they were a lifelong Republican until Trump. That means they were Republicans under the warmonger Bush. Democrats today were essentially Rockefeller Republicans not long ago - except I don't think Nelson Rockefeller spent most of each day starting stupid arguments on Facebook.
And before anyone says that at least Bush wasn't racist, well, guess what? He was. Remember when a KKK chapter endorsed him?
Posted by
4:04 PM
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Board of Elections member attacks people on Facebook
Look what a member of the Hamilton County Board of Elections is up to!
He has been spewing venom on Facebook of late, and now he's attacking me personally.
How can we trust the Board of Elections when a member spends all his time on Facepoo attacking folks? He can defend the miserable Mike DeWine all he wants, but personal attacks don't do much for the board's credibility. Incidentally, the man in this story is a Democrat - which in Ohio means he's actually a Republican. It was the Democrats who voted against a bill to stop DeWine from abusing his power. Hell, the Ohio Democrats have been led by David Pepper, of all people!
Democrats in recent months have acted like Nazis. They've squealed with laughter at others' misfortunes. They've defended politicians who abuse their post. They're selfish bullies who embody everything the Republicans have represented for 30 years.
They haven't just burned bridges. They've filled the creek with radioactive waste.
TLDR: A grown man who serves on the Hamilton County Board of Elections calls people "stupid" because they don't worship DeWine.
Posted by
9:13 AM