Friday, January 31, 2025

Have no fear, the February ish is here!

The month of Febrewery is getting under way!

That means it's time for the February edition of The Last Word! This ish talks about how I had to have heart surgery because of our totalitarian rulers, a public alley in Cincinnati being limited to wealthy residents, movers stealing items, Uncle Al chewing bubble gum, and more!

So slog on over here...

If that doesn't work, float on over here...

Monday, January 27, 2025

I had a dream where someone farted at a bookstore

I had another funny dream last night.

In this dream, I visited some bookstore and buyed a book about Usenet from 1990. The store had an area in the back where people could sit down and have coffee, juice, and bagels. When I was back there, someone farted really loud. A bunch of very studious college students who were sitting at the tables burst out laughing.

Then, when the laughter was dying down, some older guy went, "It wasn't me," just like in the song.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

What the critics are saying!

Say what you want about Twitter. Well, as long as it's bad.

I know the censorship isn't as bad as it was, but it's not completely gone. And the embedded timelines are now either broken completely or they don't show posts in order, which means some timelines start with posts from 10 years ago. I got a Bluesky account to use as my timeline instead, even though censorship on Bluesky is supposedly worse.

But there is something on Twitter I noticed that actually works. I accidentally clicked on some symbol on my Twitter page, and it actually came up with some coherent descriptions of my page, as if Twitter properly catalogs accounts somehow.

One of the descriptions reads...

"A vintage music enthusiast with a sharp political edge, lamenting the repackaging of political ideologies and celebrating the lost hits of yesteryears."

Another says...

"Bandit73's been skewering politicians left and right, from calling out Phil Gramm's gaffes to dubbing Andy Beshear 'Ant Farm Andy.'"

I don't quite agree with that though, because neither Phil nor Andy is on the left.

Biddle gibzz!

It's official: entire Senate more right-wing than the Tea Party

Yesterday, the Senate actually voted 99-0 to confirm Marco Rubio as Secretary of State.

You may remember that Rubio was a Tea Party favorite when he was first "elected" - but Tea Party members later abandoned him because he was too right-wing even for them. That was after he praised the Patriot Act and the NSA's illegal phone spying.

The most right-wing Senate in the country's history - by far.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Congress and Bush stole from Social Security

Presidents change, but their underwear never does.

Here's something we should talk about, even if we know it won't be remedied. Pundits say Social Security is facing a shortfall that will force more benefit cuts in the 2030s. Whether this is actually true remains to be seen, but it could just be right-wing propaganda to force cuts before then.

Or the shortfall could be real. If so, it's because of the actions of those who want cuts now. The fact is that Congress and the George W. Bush regime stole from Social Security to pay for their pet projects such as illegal wars. They did not borrow. They stole.

It is folly to say Social Security can't borrow to cover the shortfall because government agencies can't spend more than they have - though talking heads have said it. Have they been paying attention for the past 200 years? The government has been in debt for most of the time since it was founded. The Pentagon is always spending more than it has.

It's like having a Balanced Budget Amendment on steroids. It's as if there's an amendment that applies to everything except war spending. There actually was a version of the Balanced Budget Amendment that was proposed by some right-wing loudmouths that was like this.

Social Security costs money, but it doesn't lose money. Nobody dares to accuse the Pentagon of losing money, even though it has failed audits over and over again.

All of this is after steep Social Security cuts have already taken place. What the media calls the "third rail" of politics is always the first thing cut. Always. The retirement age was raised, and nobody has lifted a finger to restore it. It's also much harder to qualify for disability than it used to be. This is borne out by statistics that show that far fewer people collect Social Security disability benefits than they once did.

While anachronistic jizzumjaws like Phil Gramm continue to have op-eds published that laughably claim Social Security and Medicaid are forms of welfare, and that they should be cut further, the facts are swept under the rug.

This is why our brand of hard-hitting investigative journalism must be kept alive.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

A Kroger elderbubbling

Today at Kroger at County Square in Cold Spring, some old woman bubbled.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Grandpa Walton goes Krogering

Today at Kroger (which was out of milk as usual), I saw a Will Geer look-alike.