Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More coverage of our July 11 protest!

I seriously debated whether to link to this clip, but it's up on YouPube for the whole wide world to ogle (beep), so I'm assuming it's intended for public consumption.

It's a video featuring brief chitchats with several participants in our July 11 demonstration. I figured it would be nice to link to it while we're between protests, to keep the national scandal known as the teen torture racket in the spotlight:

I'm not afraid or ashamed of being seen on that clip. I'm effectively self-employed, and I know no corporation will ever hire me for anything anyway ever again because of my own anticorporate track record. So I probably don't have to fear any more illegal employer retaliation than I already do.

I'm damn proud of participating in that protest!

For the record, I was never in the particular program that was being protested. I was in a different gulag, which I can go into more detail about some other time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, Tony is such a smart ass.

    Wonderful speaking, Tim. And everyone else who participated in our protest.

    I am also very proud to have been in this video, and I hope people all over will be able to watch this video and learn the truth about thought reform programs all over.
