Saturday, October 18, 2008

Voting machines switch votes to GOP

In BushWorld, early voting means early stealing.

West Virginia allows early voting, so folks there are already getting a sneak preview (doo dooooo da doo doo doo) of what's going to be a national epidemic on November 4. The problem is not the fault of early voting - but early voting does expose it. In Jackson County, voters who showed up for early voting found the machines switching their votes to the Republicans.

Voters say that when they tried using the touch-screen machines to vote for Obama, the machine kept switching their votes to McCain. They complained to poll workers, who told them they were touching the screen too hard. But the problem continued when the voters gently touched the machines with their fingernails.

Isn't it weird how it didn't flip anyone's McCain vote to Obama?

The same also happened when voters tried voting for Democratic gubernatorial, legislative, and judicial candidates. Not a single damn report of the machine flipping any Republican votes to the Democrats.

How much more evidence of vote tampering do you need to say elections are rigged?

Now those of us without early voting know what's in store for us in a couple weeks. Get ready for more of this shit. And get ready for right-wing public officials blaming the voters (as what happened in West Virginia). And get ready for the media dropping the ball like it has for years now.

Imagine how frustrating it is for me to have reported vote tampering like this for over a decade, only to have the pop-up media never follow up. It doesn't say much for the media's professionalism when a one-man operation is more on top of things than they are, does it?


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