Thursday, November 20, 2008

Palin may receive millions to write memoir

Sarah Palin comes from the petty "world-owes-me" school of right-wing politics. She was totally unprepared to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, but she sure knows how to cash in on her electoral loss.

I know what people like that are like, because I grew up in an area that was a bit like Palin's is now. Not counting the river cities, my county had about as many inhabitants, was suburban-dominated, and was on the political right. Palin reminds me of some of the nobility in my area who gained power and tried turning every public and private agency into their own personal fiefdom.

Like much of our local nobility, Palin doesn't know what it's like to have to actually earn a living. If she was a city council member just for a day, she thinks she should be treated as if she was President of the whole solar system.

Now Failin' Palin is said to be nearing a deal that would give her $7,000,000 just to write her autobiography - even though she can barely form a complete sentence.

Even other politicians hardly ever get that big of an advance to write their life story. Bill Clinton didn't get much more than that - even after he was President for 8 years. Just a few years ago, the record for a nonfiction advance was $8,500,000 (for Pope John Paul II), and Palin has almost topped that!

Nice to know that if you've got a wingnut following like Failin' Palin has, all you need to do to get paid $7,000,000 is scribble down some garbledygoop about how the big, stinky, nasty world is so mean to you.
