Friday, May 27, 2011

Lawn Chair Quarterback: "Holiday Inns Are Funny"

Holiday Inns make me laugh. Don't you agree?

They've become mighty pricey of late, so it's been years since I've stayed at one. But you can't help but burst out in helpless fits of heehawing when you think of the old Holiday Inn directories.

Yes, I'm talking about the little books that listed every Holiday Inn in the world. You know, the ones with the little maps printed in Brossart green. (I have a vague memory of one such book using blue.) These books taught me the postal abbreviations for all the states. They also taught me how to love, how to live, and how to learn.

Please understand, there was nothing else to do in my hometown of Highland Heights, Kentucky, except sit at home and page through these volumes. It was usually raining, you see. So one of my fave pastimes as a youngster was to pretend I was "conquering" each Holiday Inn! Pow! Bang! Boom! Kablammo!

Our latest 'LCQ' explores Holiday Inn humor:

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