Sunday, May 26, 2013

Obama administration snubs forced metrication

Well, now we know President Obama is no George Bush. I mean that as a compliment.

Recently, somebody circulated a petition to the White House demanding that the United States switch to the metric system across-the-board. I used to talk a lot about opposing such a switch: While switching to the metric system would have appeased Big Business, it would have done nothing positive for the average person, and it would have gutted America's sovereignty.

I focused on this issue not long after dictator George H.W. Bush nearly imposed a "metric only" policy on the entire country. Later, the matter seemed to die down.

I have no idea why any individual would write a petition supporting forced metrication. But I guess they wanted to embarrass themselves.

Now the Obama administration has released a response to the petition. It appears as if the White House intends on continuing its current policy by not cramming metrication down our throats like Bush wanted to do...

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