Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Obamacare enrollment exceeds expectations

The Obama administration expected 500,000 to enroll under the Affordable Care Act in its first month.

Well, they didn't get 500,000. They got 1,500,000. It's 1,509,883 to be exact - 993,635 on the federal exchange plus 516,248 on the state exchanges.

A Daily Kos blogger broke down the numbers for us...

Hey, I thought there was supposed to be zero in Oregon. At least that's what the Associated Press said.

This 1,500,000 is not the number that any major media outlet led with today, of course. The only conclusion is that the pop-up media is simply lying about it. Considering the extent to which the actual numbers contradict what the press reports - The Media doesn't even have the right number of digits - there's just no other conclusion we can come up with it.

Maybe the reason The Media is lying about the numbers is because a lot of the enrollees use Medicare or Medicaid, so it's turning out to be closer to a single payer system than it first appeared. Some people in high places don't like that. I like it. They don't.

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