Friday, June 27, 2014

Car motor fetishist is rising GOP star

Meet Jordan Haskins of Saginaw, Michigan.

Haskins is a rising Republican star, and he's the GOP nominee for a Michigan House seat. He's volunteered for the campaigns of major Republican candidates, and - as a diehard Tea Party conservative - he testified against a proposed Saginaw antidiscrimination ordinance.

And Haskins has racked up some felony convictions related to a very bizarre sexual fetish he has.

He's served time in Michigan and North Carolina. The charges stem from his habit of breaking into cars and starting them up to facilitate his sexual interest. According to a police report, "Jordan would remove the spark plug wires and sit in the car and masturbate while the motor was sparking and making noises." In a couple of incidents, he broke into county-owned mosquito control vehicles. In a different incident, he admitted to breaking into a city police car and masturbating in it.

Haskins is still on parole, but he says he's running for public office because "I want to be the Republican, the conservative candidate that says, you know, conservatism is for you. Because conservatism, real conservatism, true red-blooded American conservatism is about grit, hard work, loyalty, and traditional values. ... The 3 values that make up my stool of conservatism are faith, family, and freedom."

As for now, the Republican Party is standing by their embattled candidate.


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