Is the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce hell-bent on ruin for the region's working people?
This secret society has endorsed a KKK-backed plan for local counties to enact their own misnamed "right-to-work" laws. In doing so, they've declared war on the people. Support for "right-to-work" is an act of war.
I went to the Chamber of Commerce's website in the hopes of gathering some insight on their fascism. It's bad enough that they have a birther conspiracy theorist on their executive committee. The list of organizations that serves as the Chamber's board of advisors is just as interesting.
The list reads almost like a Who's Who of big corporations, some of them national in scope, and some of them explicitly linked to right-wing causes, bottomless greed, wiretapping, or phone harassment. Other corporations on this list haven't been specifically noted for their extremism or other unfortunate characteristics, but I always keep a watchful eye out. That's part of my job. But one entry did catch my eye: the Creation Museum, a project of the Answers in Genesis cult.
Answers in Genesis claims to be a nonprofit ministry. So why are they part of a business group? When I saw that, I almost expected to find Brossart on the list too.
The Chamber of Commerce represents a right-wing web of organizations that has it in for working people like you and me. They are interlocked. Not surprisingly, another member of their board of advisors is NorthKey Community Care - which gave us the brutal CPH concentration camp.
This web of greed and extremism does of course receive taxpayer support. This is also no surprise, for the taxpayers are always on the hook for everything the Far Right does. The fiscal courts of Kenton and Boone counties are listed as members of the Chamber's board. Taxpayer money is being squandered on manifestly ideological pursuits.
Any corporation, school, nonprofit agency, or government body on the board of advisors needs to take a hard look at who they're cavorting with. Do they really want to prop up the antiworker violence of "right-to-work"? Do they really want to join forces with antiscience cults like Answers in Genesis? Do they really want to associate with the antigay hatred displayed by Chick-fil-A? I'll have to assume the answer is yes - unless they either provide a sensible answer or leave the Chamber of Commerce.
And is it fair that the taxpayers are being forced to fund antigay and classist activity?
It looks as if there's already enough justification for people to file a formal complaint with the UN Human Rights Council over the long-running situation surrounding the local business and political elite - and "right-to-work" would only create more reasons.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Creationist cult serves on Chamber of Commerce board
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12:52 AM