If anyone out there still thinks the Tea Party is just a movement against excessive government spending and has no interest in social issues, think again.
Let's be clear: Nationwide marriage equality is a positive development. I'm wary about the Supreme Court undermining progress on other issues in other cases, but America got lucky in the marriage equality case. However, the Tea Party is blowing their stack like we haven't seen since, well, the last time they blew their stack. I thought Team Tyranny was going to finally cool their crappers a bit, because it's hard to claim you're for limited government if you oppose marriage equality in 2015, but instead they're doubling down.
And it's as hilarious as you might imagine.
The Northern Kentucky Tea Party sent out an e-mail newsletter that thunders...
"Friday's Supreme Court decision represents a collective shaking of our fists in God's face saying, 'We don't care what You say about life's most important relationship. We know best.'"
That's a rather odd thing for a limited government group to say, isn't it? Some folks think the Tea Party is largely separate from the Religious Right, but this is one of many instances where they've couched their fury in religious terms. The Tea Party is a dominionist movement. Another recent e-mail from the Northern Kentucky Tea Party invites people to a presentation by a dominionist speaker.
Meanwhile, Boone County refuses to abide by the Supremes' ruling. It is reportedly the only county in Kentucky not to comply. The Far Right is defending Boone County, saying the other 119 counties are guilty of illegally modifying state-issued marriage forms.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Tea Party loses their shit over marriage equality
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8:54 PM