It's not every day that a big city will actually take the backward step of removing a bike lane from a road. But Tea Party agitators are pushing Cincinnati to do exactly that to the recently installed bike lanes on Central Parkway.
Team Tyranny is trotting out numbers that purport to show an increase in crashes along the stretch with the bike path. What they don't tell you though is that these accidents were caused not by the bike lane itself, but by idiots illegally parking their cars in either the bike lane or in one of the many automobile lanes.
Some city officials are wise enough to admit the Tea Party is full of WaftGas as usual, and said the real problem was that the city waited so long to get bike lanes in the first place. But mark my words, the Tea Party will double down. They always do. They never stop stamping their little feet until they get their way - and the more they're proven wrong, the louder they scream. There were fears at first that the Central Parkway bike lane would somehow contribute to traffic congestion, but now that we know it hasn't, the Tea Party has to come up with other excuses for removing the lane.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Tea Party wants Cincinnati bike lanes removed
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7:05 PM