Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Have no fear, the December ish is here!

About the December ish of The Last Word: It's pub!

This ish talks about Kentucky's Far Right having a no-good horrible month, people stealing gum from a store they worked at, another old scare film featuring records getting ruined, people ruining rare stamps by writing on them, more Domino Rally foibles, and more! It's not sold in any store!

So point your pooper here...

If Scribd doesn't work for you (because it's poopy), you can find the latest Last Word here...

1 comment:

  1. Hmm....

    87 was the best year for music in the 80s..89 was the worst..

    Everything else sucked until Nirvana came along..

    Don't really remember early 80s much..
