Friday, July 15, 2022

Happy now, Dems?

Something just happened in Kentucky that has never before happened. Just a few years ago, it would have been considered unthinkable. It was considered a Holy Grail by some, but to most folks it seemed like there was no realistic chance it would ever happen.

Can you guess what it is?

Republicans have just overtaken Democrats among registered voters in Kentucky.

Tough titmouse, Dems (as an intelligent person would say). You earned it. If not for the Democrats' utter corruption, elitism, and totalitarianism that has ballooned in the past 2 years, this wouldn't have happened. This is 100% the Democrats' own stupid fault. It might actually be more obvious in Kentucky than in some other states, as many of the state boards have become packed with patronage appointees.

Forty years ago, the Democrats had a registration advantage of well over 2-to-1. They blew it by becoming so right-wing. And right-wing they are. Under a traditional definition, they would be considered a right-wing authoritarian party now – yes, even more so than the Republicans now. They're to the right of Republicans on many issues now, including war, Big Tech censorship, and Real ID.

The Democrats' loss in membership isn't limited to Kentucky. It's nationwide. Recent surveys show that – for the first time in the modern era - Republicans now outnumber Democrats nationally among the nation's voters. This is especially striking considering the national trends only 15 years ago.

What is the Democrats' base of support now? It seems like they're down to just a few propellerheads and incels.

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