Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bizarro Republicans fight workers in Mississippi

You may remember the old "Bizarro World" skits on Saturday Night Live. These sketches were about a crazy planet where everything was backwards. It was kind of like Yakov Smirnoff's jokes about Russia: "In America, you watch TV. In Soviet Russia, TV watches you."

Republicans today aren't merely Republicans. They're Bizarro Republicans. Their extremism isn't just a matter of degree. It's about doing the precise opposite of what ought to happen. A perfect example of this was when they passed a clearly unconstitutional federal law requiring libraries to censor websites - when there should have been a law to prohibit libraries from censoring websites.

The Bizarro GOP is at it again in Mississippi, and all it does is prove just how thoroughly evil they are. A right-wing bill has been introduced in the Mississippi legislature that would ban cities and counties from establishing a minimum wage. It would also bar cities and counties from passing laws guaranteeing vacation time or sick leave to working people.

I guess the Republicans really are for states' rights - as long as it tramples cities' rights. Or at least when it tramples workers' rights. The Mississippi GOP is still angry about that emancipation thing, I see.

At a time when lawmakers should be increasing the minimum wage and tying it with inflation, Bizarro Republicans are instead trying to make sure cities can't increase it. These Bizarro Republicans are not good people.

Go ahead, GOP. Base your next election campaign on opposing the minimum wage. Watch what happens.


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