With Matt Bevin the apparent gubernatorial choice of the Kentucky GOP (and by extension, the region's media), we have to steel ourselves for an extended cavalcade of Matt Bevin stupid.
Kentucky Republicans have a history of nominating outright fascists, and Bevin is no exception. And make no mistake, I would consider Bevin a fascist.
And a liar.
Not only does Bevin lie about growing up poor (he actually comes from a prep school background), but he also lied about attending MIT. On his LinkedIn page, he claimed he was a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT officials say Bevin never even attended the school. Bevin was forced to revise his LinkedIn page.
This scandal actually got some coverage - a teensy-weensy bit - when Bevin challenged the hated Mitch McConnell for Senate. But don't expect it to receive any mainstream press coverage now. That's why I have to expose it again here.
Nonetheless, during Bevin's Senate race, some nobody from Jim DeMint's far-right Senate Conservatives Fund defended Bevin, saying Bevin was "certainly not the first person to puff up his resume." So Bevin is right to lie about his educational record just because other people did it too? What would society be like if everyone had this mindset?
I never thought I'd be this enthusiastic about voting for Jack Conway, but I guess there's a first time for everything.
There's more Bevin scandals where this came from. Trust me on this. Yes, scandals you probably haven't heard of yet. I research these things. Meanwhile, the latest poll has him losing to Conway by 11 percentage points.
Friday, May 22, 2015
All Bevin and we'll watch him fall...
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8:12 PM