I gave them a second chance (which they didn't deserve). They blew it.
The Democrats abandoned America once before, back in the '90s when they let the DLC take over. But later I thought they had crushed that Coke can, so I thought it was safe to vote for them again. Man, was I ever wrong!
I regret voting for Andy Beshear, thanks to his increasingly dictatorial demeanor and lies. I would have been better off voting for the Libertarian. I even regret voting for Democrats when I first voted in the early '90s when they were better, because that has only encouraged them now. I was a member of the Young Democrats in college, and I never would have joined if I had foreseen the current disaster.
When I used to warn everyone about the dangers of America becoming the hopeless dictatorship it is now, I always thought the Republicans would be the bigger culprit. I am absolutely shocked that the Democrats did more to establish a police state in the past 18 months than the Republicans did in the 40 years before. This is inexcusable.
It's not just familiar domestic issues but also international issues like the drone strike that killed all those children in Kabul.
My stance is not an amicable break with the Democrats. It also puts into perspective some of their scandals over the past couple years. For example, they had a series of scandals in another state a couple years back, and I felt at the time that I should give them the benefit of a doubt unless new evidence emerged. Now I'm pretty sure that the politicians who were involved actually did do the things they were accused of doing. I have a more open mind now so I can weigh the evidence more accurately.
The Democratic "leadership" should not be considered progressive, but if they claim to be, they need to turn in their progressive card. They have become outright fascist.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Buyer's remorse
Posted by
2:00 AM
Monday, August 30, 2021
Newsom praises pro-CCP news outlet
As the recall election for that lying piece of shit Gavin Newsom approaches, he has a new scandal to worry about.
This month, Newsom attended a gala honoring Sing Tao News - a newspaper publisher aligned with the Chinese Communist Party. Newsom said the outlet practices "journalistic integrity" and offers "balanced news stories."
Sing Tao is registered as a foreign agent of China and is owned by members of a CCP-controlled board. Sing Tao's chairman has praised a Chinese law that has been used to arrest pro-democracy journalists and activists in Hong Kong.
Besides Newsom, other California Democrats - including embattled San Francisco Mayor London Breed - also spoke at the Sing Tao gala.
The Governor of California is a supporter of the Chinese Communist Party.
Posted by
11:04 PM
Kabul family dead after U.S. bombing
Under the DLC child abusers, America's rulers are back in the child killing business!
Today, it was reported that 10 members of the same family - including 8 children, some as young as 2 - were killed when a U.S. drone carpet-bombed a residential neighborhood in Kabul.
The U.S. called this a defensive strike. That's a lie.
The victims' relatives spent the day at a hospital identifying the charred remains.
I can't say I didn't get fair warning about the ghouls who did this - even if I hoped against all hope nothing like this would happen. Diehard readers of this blog were on top of things regarding the nature of the monsters who did this. The DLC's evil nature is now on display for all to see.
And that doesn't even count their monstrous and lawless domestic policies lately. The Biden regime makes the Nixon administration look like a smashing success in comparison.
Posted by
9:29 PM
Have no fear, the September ish is here!
Ba-de-ya! It's time for the September issue of The Last Word!
As America collapses, The Last Word still trudges along after 28 years! This ish talks about my Roanoke trip, kids putting dog-doo in Little Free Libraries, college students drinking beer in class, people sticking their vaccine cards on a gum wall, encyclopedia volumes getting lost, and more!
So point your pooper here...
If that doesn't work, slink on over here...
Posted by
7:32 PM
Sunday, August 29, 2021
You're gonna bubble after all... (Bubble Gum Weekend)
This occasional feature usually talks about specific gum commercials. But this is one that apparently never aired.
A few years ago, someone made a spoof of the opening sequence of 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show' - the popular 1970s sitcom. This spoof was designed as an ad for Care-Free gum - one of the most widely ridiculed brands of beegee among gum connoisseurs.
If not sure if Care-Free is still available, so instead of embedding the video and giving free ad space to a product that may still exist, I'll post a link to it Out Of An Abundance Of Caution (tm)...
In that commersh, an actress portraying Mary Tyler Moore chomps a big ol' wad of gee. She even bubbles a couple times - in public, no less! Countless people witnessed these bubs.
No 'Supertrain' or 'Me & Mrs. C' spoofs appear imminent.
Posted by
3:53 PM
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Another Michael McDonald look-alike sighted
Early today, I received an important e-mail declaring that a Michael McDonald look-alike was sighted at a bar on Saturday.
Posted by
4:25 PM
Monday, August 23, 2021
The "decency" police are back! (Circus Vargas, Circus Vargas!)
Let me be clear. There is a special place in hell for anyone who exploits children to make sexually explicit material.
But when adults produce content that features only consenting adults - and distributes it only to adults - it's none of anybody else's damn business. That's what makes the OnlyFans controversy so aggravating.
Up until about 15 years ago, you used to hear a lot about "decency." I live in a region where an art museum was actually prosecuted over an exhibit, government officials tried to set up a censorship board to scrutinize what was shown on cable TV, and numerous computer bulletin board systems were raided over content that was perfectly legal. There's still a lot that's wrong in society today - but this type of censorship had become relatively scarce since then.
Until now.
London-based OnlyFans is a favorite of online porn models - who make up the lion's share of the website's business. But now the site is banning sexually explicit content - after pressure from big banks and credit card companies.
That's like if ESPN got out of the sports business or if the major party nominating conventions got out of the comedy business. If you take away porn, there's not much remaining of OnlyFans, other than a few musicians and chefs.
OnlyFans already specifically prohibited illegal content. The material the banks objected to is legal. Some of this legal material was the main source of income for content creators.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has found fewer than 100 instances of child exploitation on OnlyFans per year. Meanwhile, the organization has found about 65,000 instances on Twitter and 20 million on Facebook. Why doesn't anyone go after precious, precious Facebook?
Even though OnlyFans was already taking a tough line against illegal conduct, Congress has launched an investigation against OnlyFans - while Twitter and Facebook go unpunished.
Going after a website's legal content stinks of the "decency" crusades of a couple decades ago. Since last year, a new wave of puritanism and false morality has taken over much of the world, especially Western countries. It guides not only views on sexuality but also censorship of other materials and the draconian COVID-19 measures - which were unheard of during the swine flu, Ebola virus, and other pandemics just a few years ago. This new false morality is essentially a new pseudoreligious movement.
It's a recipe for disaster.
Posted by
10:03 PM
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Another Bellevue bubbling
Today, some woman walking up the street bubbled a big, pink bub.
Posted by
2:19 PM
Monday, August 2, 2021
Court gives immunity to abusive school personnel
Right-wing judges make up their own laws just as much as totalitarian governors and mayors have done lately.
New rulings by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals say teachers and other school personnel who physically abuse children enjoy qualified immunity.
The court dismissed a Texas case that was filed on behalf of a 1st grader who claimed a teacher seized him by the neck, threw him on the floor, and held him in a chokehold for minutes on end. Then the court dismissed a case filed on behalf of a special education student who was tased by school police repeatedly - even after he was face-down on the ground.
The result of these rulings is that it's become unclear whether schoolchildren are guaranteed a constitutional right to be free from excessive force. Now courts can just dismiss cases over qualified immunity without having to confront whether this right applies. These rulings effectively rob children of the right to be free of violence by schools.
The people who have kept schools closed for over a year are loving this!
Posted by
10:27 AM
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Have no fear, the August ish is here!
Augh! It's August! That means it's time for the August edition of The Last Word!
This ish talks about a McDonald's tantrum, storm chasing equipment getting destructed, people farting at Kroger, Pringles getting ruined at a convenience store, 'Wild Kingdom' hilarity, and more!
So point your pooper here...
If that doesn't work, lollygag over here...
Posted by
12:41 PM