Monday, August 2, 2021

Court gives immunity to abusive school personnel

Right-wing judges make up their own laws just as much as totalitarian governors and mayors have done lately.

New rulings by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals say teachers and other school personnel who physically abuse children enjoy qualified immunity.

The court dismissed a Texas case that was filed on behalf of a 1st grader who claimed a teacher seized him by the neck, threw him on the floor, and held him in a chokehold for minutes on end. Then the court dismissed a case filed on behalf of a special education student who was tased by school police repeatedly - even after he was face-down on the ground.

The result of these rulings is that it's become unclear whether schoolchildren are guaranteed a constitutional right to be free from excessive force. Now courts can just dismiss cases over qualified immunity without having to confront whether this right applies. These rulings effectively rob children of the right to be free of violence by schools.

The people who have kept schools closed for over a year are loving this!

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