Saturday, January 14, 2023

Lexington schools lose school board application

In America, school board applications lose schools. In Kentucky, schools lose school board applications!

Kentucky - the state with one of the most perennially authoritarian and generally broken school systems - strikes again! Fayette County Schools (Lexington) has lost an application to fill a vacant school board seat. This seat became vacant because of a resignation in November, and the board must now take applications to fill it. An application was dropped off at the school board building, but the superintendent said that "we have been unable to locate their paperwork anywhere in the building." The superintendent admitted that this candidate "would have been eligible if not for the error by our administrative team."

After my experiences with the Campbell County Schools - and with the abusive behavior of schools nationwide in the past few years - it's hard to know whether the school district's stupidity is accidental or deliberate.

Every few years, we read about some school suspiciously losing students' completed standardized tests and forcing them to waste time retaking the test. In 2018, schools in Bessemer, Alabama, lost the grades of numerous 8th grade students and forced them to repeat the year. The students weren't told they were held back until a week before the start of the next school year. There is no limit on what school districts can get away with, and they always hire the best attorneys to shield them from accountability. So what's a mere mortal to do? Stink?

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