Saturday, May 25, 2024

Big Pharma back to supporting GOP fascism

Which fascism will the corporate empire support today? Democratic fascism or Republican fascism?

A good rule of thumb is that they'll favor whichever party gets the fewest votes per newspaper endorsement. This means they supported Republicans through most of modern history, but began favoring Democrats when the underpants laptoppers took over that party. Whatever the weather, Democrats and Republicans exhibit largely the same fascism these days. Gavin Newsom and Nikki Haley would be the media's dream ticket.

Now there are plans for an expansion of the Republican Party of Kentucky's headquarters in Frankfort. The biggest donor was pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, which gave $1 million to the GOP for this project, which includes a new 6,800-square-foot building that will contain an auditorium. The project got funds from defense contractors too. Other big donors include AT&T, Verizon, Metropolitan Life Insurance, Microsoft, Comcast, and Delta Air Lines. It reads like a who's who of corporate tyranny. It also reams a bazooka hole through the idea that big corporations are progressive bastions. Of course, with the Democrats being what they are these days, donating to the Democrats would have indicated the same thing.

These donations are made possible by a 2017 state law allowing corporations to donate unlimited money to political parties' building funds. Whose dumb idea was that? What gnawing need was there for this law in 2017?

This is one of many stories showing why we need to prohibit corporations from giving to political parties. Corporations are a corrupting influence on politics.

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