Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Kathy Hochul makes racist comment

The dumbest governor in America (outside New Mexico) strikes again!

We already knew that New York Gov. Kathy Hochul isn't exactly a force for good in the world, and now the tragic Hochul saga gets even worse!

Yesterday, Hochul was speaking at a forum in California and began talking about "young Black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't even know what the word 'computer' is."

Elected officials from the Bronx rightly blasted Hochul for her racism.

This is Evan Mecham-level stuff. Forty years ago, an idiot like Hochul would have stood out for her stupidity. These days, hardly anyone notices. One reason is that the rest of America's political, corporate, and academic leadership provides real competition to see who can be the dumbest or most evil. Like Hochul, many manage to be both stupid and evil. Many are simply horrible people. Another reason people don't notice is that the media won't do their job like it used to, so stories like this aren't reported much.

Just resign already, Kathy.

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