Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Another idiot exposed

I used to think the Republicans would never be outdone in their horridness, but the Democrats lately have degenerated into a strange, unrecognizable glop.

Let's take a look at the disaster unfolding in Maryland. The U.S. Senate race there has only 2 major candidates: Republican former Gov. Larry Hogan and Democratic Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks. Hogan is no genius, but Alsobrooks is just an absolute idiot.

When Alsobrooks won her primary, the media held her up as some great progressive champion. That's far from the truth. This is a "progressive" who, in her 2018 campaign for county executive, accepted hefty donations from real estate developers to influence her stances. Her current Senate race is funded largely by wealthy developers in the Washington, D.C., area.

A Maryland law said politicians could not accept contributions from developers with projects pending in their county. Seems pretty fair, doesn't it? But Alsobrooks claimed this law was racist.


This is how the Democrats try to win votes these days. Instead of real progressive policy proposals, they adopt right-wing stances and attack real progressive legislation as racist. They've become a right-wing party that operates in a universe that's perfectly congruent to the existing right-wing party, yet nominally outside of it.

I firmly believe the Republican voter suppression bills so common a few years ago were racist. Much of what the GOP said and did at the time was. But campaign finance laws are not racist.

Maryland Democrats are so corrupt that they passed new laws not long ago that gutted these campaign laws.

During the 2020 election, Alsobrooks demanded that the county's 229 polling places be collapsed into only 15. Hogan clearly had the better stance regarding this, as he pointed out that this would violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Alsobrooks responded to this criticism by accusing Hogan of not locking down hard enough to fight COVID-19.

Thus it's no surprise that Prince George's County under Alsobrooks had one of the worst COVID records of any county in America. You can probably count on one hand the number of counties that were worse. As late as November 2020, she issued new capacity limits and other restrictions that were much stricter than state rules. She announced she would send "compliance teams" to break up private and public gatherings and close down businesses that tolerated such events.

If you support such extreme measures, you're not a progressive, but a right-wing authoritarian. Period.

The long and short of it is that the Democratic "leadership" has become a right-wing body that falsely accuses people of racism for daring to criticize them. Modern examples go back at least as far as 2016, when Hillary Clinton claimed Bernie Sanders's plan to break up big banks was racist, but this series of statements really didn't guide the party until 2020. It's actually a big change in a very short time.

It's a shame politics doesn't work like sports. When the Cincinnati Bengals were at their nadir, there was serious talk of suing the team on behalf of taxpayers who were forced to fund their stadium. This was on the grounds that the Bengals were failing to field a competitive team. It would be nice to be able to sue the Democrats in the same manner, as they've refused to field a competitive party. It's not just Maryland. The Democrats refused to even run a candidate in our local congressional district - telling Democratic voters to vote in the Republican primary instead, which is impossible because Kentucky is a closed primary state. Some Democratic insiders have told reporters off the record that the party has even conceded the presidential race to Donald Trump.

We don't have a two-party system - even in contests that are supposedly competitive. The major parties have mostly the same policy stances and differ very little other than in the way they use racism.

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