Monday, July 22, 2024

Questions for the naysayers

There are 2 issues that are so important that I've begun to base my vote almost entirely on them. One issue is Social Security. The other is accountability for the atrocities during COVID lockdowns. At this point, I care far less about a candidate's stances on other issues. One issue that comes close is gentrification, but that comes up at the local level a lot more than in national politics.

These issues come up in conversation, but a few naysayers keep asking why I still want accountability for events from 3 or 4 years ago. For one thing, COVID mandates haven't completely ended. For another, saying I should let it slide would be like if your Social Security is cut and you don't try to get it back.

But there's a more important question I've never once gotten an answer for. Why should we have had such severe mandates at any time since 2020, considering we got along fine without them before?

Gotcha on that!

Why aren't we using the same standards to define child abuse now as we did before 2020? The standards began backsliding in 2020, making the world more dangerous for children.

Do you really think there'd be as much support for COVID mandates as there was if the media hadn't egged it on? Be honest. Gotcha on that too!

How many stay-at-home orders were ever enacted to fight disease outbreaks before 2020? Other than among medical workers performing surgery or dentistry, how many mask mandates were there before 2020? How many amusement parks and schools demanded people wear masks before 2020? How many medical offices demanded masks on patients? Wouldn't a daycare be charged with child abuse if they put a mask on a 2-year-old before 2020? If I was a prosecutor, and if this happened in my county, I would prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

You don't put masks on 2-year-olds. Ever!

When were schools ever shut down for a whole year or two over a disease outbreak before 2020? I can understand closing schools for a few days, and once in a great while - a long, long, long while - that used to happen. But 2 years?

Why should we have permanent mandates now, when we never had them before 2020? Gotcha on that too! Imagine that!

Getting coherent answers would rule.

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