Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Right-wing judge throws out rule against noncompetes

The growing fascism in America is enough to turn your brain into bubble glop.

Thirty years ago, it was generally understood that holding workers to noncompete clauses after they no longer worked at the workplace where they signed it was illegal. Then - despite little or no new laws on the matter - it was assumed by many to be legal unless your state had a specific law against it. But now, unelected judges won't even allow laws that prohibit noncompetes.

Not long ago, the Biden administration - in a rare moment of clarity - issued a nationwide regulation against noncompetes. But now U.S. District Judge Ada Brown has thrown out this rule. The reasoning for this ruling by the judge - a Trump appointee who was confirmed to her post in a bipartisan lovefest - is impossible to follow.

The case against the regulation was lodged by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce - a secret society that supported totalitarian COVID measures and has praised some of the vilest overseas dictatorships in modern times.

Our rulers no longer have the capability to carry out the duties of their office, and rarely even have the desire to do it.

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