Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Walz jailed COVID dissidents

I knew there had to be a reason the media is so enamored of Tim Walz.

Walz is portrayed as some big teddy bear who really didn't maliciously overstep his authority during COVID like governors of more populated states like Gavin Newsom, Mike DeWine, and Kathy Hochul did. But that's far from the truth.

It turns out that a woman who ran a wine and coffee bistro in Albert Lea was actually jailed for violating Walz's COVID orders. The business followed Minnesota's shutdown orders at first, but refused to close during the later orders that began in November 2020. That was while big box retailers and other huge chains were allowed to remain open.

Let me repeat: This was under new orders issued in November 2020 - not March.

Outrageously, the state was still pursuing the case against the bistro owner even in December 2021, and she was sentenced to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. She missed Christmas and the birth of a grandchild.

And a small business was ruined - while big corporations only got richer.

It also turns out that Walz ordered police to shoot people with paintball guns just for being on their front porch during his stay-at-home order. Entire squads of police patrolled neighborhoods to carry out this assault.

Until now, these stories were never even reported anywhere that we could find them, unlike the lockdowns in general.

The man who gave us "Mind your own damn business!" wouldn't mind his own damn business. And he shows no remorse. He still insists he was right.

Tim Walz is a thin-skinned fascist, a gangster-like figure who is part of a banana republic. The revelations about Walz aren't even the only major story about our overlords' fascism to emerge in recent days, so you may want to keep an eye on this blog.

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