Thursday, March 20, 2008

Study proves cameras don't deter crime

This story ought to just kablammo the smug smirks clean off the faces of the apologists for the rise of the police state. (Not like anything ever does, because they never admit they're wrong about anything.)

A new study by UC Berkeley proves street cameras in San Francisco do not reduce violent crime. This confirms what city officials already expected, and what everyone else predicted years ago. In fact, crime actually went up in the areas that are 250 to 500 feet from the cameras.

The whole program never was about fighting crime (lies to the contrary notwithstanding). It was simply about keeping tabs on the innocent. The cameras that are seen in that and other cities are simply another tool to combat "the enemy" - which means whoever the ruling regime says it means. Which really means you - or me.

This is why you or I get hassled for looking at a soda machine cockeyed or getting within 20 feet of the railing at the library - while real criminals go free. We are considered "the enemy" just because we're not part of the system. So the ruling regime watches us. That's why we now we have to deal with issues like RFID chips and Real ID.



  1. The ruling regime in San Francisco is a left-wing one, but you forgot to mention that.

  2. Aww, how cute...Scheff thinks San Francisco is run by leftists.
