Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Exit poll limits prompt lawsuit

ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, and the AP are suing the state of Minnesota for its new law keeping exit pollsters at least 100 feet away from polling places. The news agencies feel it's unconstitutional and prevents them from doing their job.

The news organizations also fear the new law - which was designed to clarify limits on election judges - will make exit polls inaccurate.

Wait a minute!!!

Aren't these the same polls that showed John Kerry winning? Aren't they the same ones that showed the GOP having their asses handed to them in 2002 (when the polls were suddenly discontinued while the election results were coming in)?

Sounds to me like the media just admitted these surveys are accurate - WHICH MEANS JOHN KERRY WON!

In other countries, exit polls using the same methodology are employed as a safeguard against election fraud. When the polls don't jibe with the actual election results, it raises a red flag about the integrity of the election. But in the U.S., the media attacks its own exit polls (and even suppresses the polls, as what happened in 2002).

The media never placed any faith in its exit polls before, so why would it start now?

(Source: http://www.startribune.com/politics/state/29909699.html)


  1. Which 2002 election are you talking about? Congressional?

  2. Yes, I am referring mostly to congressional elections.

  3. I've been voting since 1996 and I've never once been asked by an exit poller who I voted for. Nor have I seen anyone asking people who they voted for. I doubt they are all that useful to begin with, especially in close elections.

  4. Rrrrrrrepub, I've never been polled via a phone poll. That doesn't mean they don't exist and they are not useful. And you may "doubt" exit polls are useful, but the experts would disagree with you.
