Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Peace Bike open thread!

Tsk, tsk. The 'Pail has been around a year, and I still have to tell people what it is, and what it isn't.

The other day, someone told me I should "revamp the Online Lunchpail from a far, far, far left-wing political blog into a blog about Peace Bike adventures."


This is like the time about 10 years ago when someone e-mailed me about The Last Word with a lengthy treatise on the type of issues I should cover and how I should cover them. Although the writer was serious, he informed me that I should espouse "NO LEFTISM!" Um. What would be the point of The Last Word if it was conservative?

But suffice it to say, in the 4 years since I purchased the Peace Bike, it's now acquiring a loyal following. Especially after the Peace Bike announced its membership in the Green Party.

So consider this an open thread about the Peace Bike's greatness!

Long live the Peace Bike!


  1. The Peace Bike is awesome. There's even a fan club over on the Tim Brown fan site.

  2. We all love the Peace Bike, but be careful. We are still so very close to the bible belt that the Peace Bike might be considered a false idol or a tool of Satan.

    I have been inspired to build a bicycle myself now for next summer. I think I will build it from all of the bikes people throw out in the trash.

  3. The Peace Bike is nifty, but I still miss the Extremist.
