Monday, November 30, 2009

Rightists win sham Honduran election

Right-wing back-slapping over this development would be almost laughable if it wasn't such a serious matter.

After a right-wing coup earlier this year overthrew the democratically elected President of Honduras, the country has been sent scrambling.

Yesterday, the new regime conducted an election to pick a new President - which the conservative party predictably won.

Why was this so predictable? Because it was a sham election. Do you honestly trust a right-wing dictatorship to run an honest election?

What's oddly amusing is the way right-wing websites and editorial pages in the U.S. count this bogus election as a mandate for conservative principles. You're hilarious, conservos, you know that?

It reminds me of how Saddam Hussein claimed he had a mandate when he ran a phony election in which he got 100% of the vote. (It also reminds me of what some guy named Bush did.)

It's a dictatorship! They don't have free elections! Understand?!

The Honduran election was such a sham that several countries are refusing to recognize the results.

But in conservatives' funhouse mirror world, the only elections that count are ones they rigged.
