Sunday, November 15, 2009

When a Sarah Palin look-alike bubbled (Bubble Gum Weekend)

I've profiled this old Trident bubble gum ad here before, but it's so patently absurd that why shouldn't I do it again?

The ad appears to be a person-on-the-street interview about this brand of gum. The interviewee who blows a bubble looks very vaguely like a much younger Sarah Palin:

Now, if that was the real Sarah Palin, she'd probably exaggerate this appearance in her latest book. This book - which is part of Palin's campaign of self-promotion - has already been found to contain numerous errors designed to appear favorable to her.

If Palin had appeared in that Trident ad, her book would be claiming that she blew a bubble 3 times the size of her head. And she'd probably also blame the "stinky" media for bursting it in her hair.

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