Friday, March 26, 2010

Toledo ends fascist uniform policy!

Chalk up a victory for constitutional liberty and economic fairness in the Toledo, Ohio, public school system!

Several years ago, right-wing school officials issued a citywide policy requiring public school students to wear uniforms. The media cooed in support of this fascism.

But now the school district is abolishing uniforms, because this policy is costing the school system money and hasn't reaped any positive results.

Very few will miss uniforms.

What's astonishing is that it took this long. A lawsuit should have abolished uniforms as soon as they were implemented.



  1. Six times! These are low-quality posts, too. You have more important work to do like working on an ish, book #3 or Roads Scholaring.

  2. Actually the post about the Kentucky nuke plant bill was a very high-quality post.
