Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cookie Monster interrogates Prairie Dawn ('Sesame Street' Wednesday)

'Sesame Street' is cool.

And funny.

There was a sketch on the ol' Ses in which Cookie Monster had questions, and Prairie Dawn had answers.

Cookie Monster's question was, "Do people pop?" And Prairie Dawn's answer was, "If poo."

Just joking! Actually, the questions were all cookie-related:


This segment begs a cookie-themed question from us: Has Cookie Monster ever actually eaten a cookie? It seems like all he does when he tries shoveling cookies into his cavernous mouth is crush the cookies and let them fly all over the counter and the floor. Thereby wasting them. Kind of like how Republicans waste things.

Also, notice that oatmeal cookies are only the monster's second-favorite kind. That's because hemp cookies must be his favorite.

Cookie Monster. A king among men.

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