Friday, June 18, 2010

Lawn Chair Quarterback: "ATM's Are Not Magic"

Are ATM's magic?

Michele Bachmann seems to think they are.

She accused the Obama administration of turning the BP escrow fund into an automated teller machine. Uh, Michele, isn't that a good thing? After all, ATM's only give you a limited supply of money. You can't get more money from an ATM than your bank account has. Or at least I can't. Then again, I've never tried to get more money than my account has, so who knows?

In our latest 'Lawn Chair Quarterback', the fallacy of ATM's being private mints is explored:



  1. "Tim sets the world straight about automated teller machines."

    It should be

    "Tim sets twenty people straight about automated teller machines."

  2. "Then again, I've never tried to get more money than my account has, so who knows?"

    Also, that statement woukd have more water if you had money.

  3. "Tim sets twenty people straight about automated teller machines."

    And I bet you were one of them.
