Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Congress less popular than communism


What sort of down-home, hard-working American doesn't fear the Red menace as the greatest threat to all of humanity? Well, apparently not as many as who view Congress just as unfavorably.

A Rasmussen poll says only 11% of Americans would support the United States becoming a communist country. But a CBS/New York Times poll gives Congress an approval rating of only...9%.

Gee, Geoff Davis, how does it feel to be less popular than the Communist Party? Should it be surprising? In essence, Congress has privatized communism by awarding unfettered power to Big Business. What's the difference between a one-party state and a corporate monopoly?

Want to argue? Here's the polling data...


  1. Who is this one big evil corporate 'big business', this big business with 'unfettered power'? I know there are many big companies in America that have, through ingenuity and efficiency, been very successful. The people who lead and guide these companies are well paid, as they should be. I simply don't see the problem. Sounds like a little jealousy to me.

  2. So you're not even denying that there's wealth inequality.

    Until now, the other side has just denied it.
