Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Comcast to take over Time Warner

Brace yourselves. The Walmart of the cable TV industry is about to fill your living room.

Comcast - America's largest cable company, which is widely criticized for shitty service and favoring right-wing channels - is about to take over Time Warner - the 2nd-largest. The $45,000,000,000 transaction is of course expected to be rubber-stamped by regulators.

When you buy something at the store, you have to pay sales tax. Comcast of course doesn't have to pay a cent in taxes when it buys a competitor.

This comes after Comcast's purchase of NBC was rubber-stamped - a purchase that raised questions about conflict of interest.

We just got done talking on Facebook about how the Northern Kentucky Cable Board delayed MTV coming to town because it might offend the Moral Majoritarians who thought it was their right to decide what we could watch. But you can bet your bippus the local cable board won't block the Comcast/Time Warner deal.


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