Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rain ruins corn crops

Are the media bullshit artists still going to insist climate change is a hoax?

In Kentucky, the flooding rains - which the media has generally ignored - has put corn planting way behind schedule. Throughout the state, less than one-fourth as much corn has been able to be planted as the usual amount.

The couldn't-give-a-shit media can stop claiming the floods are a hoax now. Oh, and that's why I included a photo of a massive puddle sighted on an important state highway recently. Of course they're gonna say that's fake too, I bet.



  1. Have they found a way to blame the earthquake on global warming?

  2. Maybe the ground saw your face and shook in horror.

  3. Don't think it was that. It was still dark out and the epicenter was hundreds of miles away.

  4. Then it must have been the smell.

  5. Corn planting is behind schedule here in IA too. I was just talking to my dad (farmer) about it today. He is waiting for the fields to dry up enough that they can get out there and plant.

  6. Don't worry, in a couple months you'll read here on the Pail about how global warming is causing droughts.
