Tuesday, October 27, 2009

College student faces 15 years in prison for alleged Wal-Mart line-jumping

America's so-called "justice" system is so determined to keep the public saddled by the prison-industrial complex that minor incidents are treated as serious crimes.

Almost 3 years ago, an African-American college honors student in Kennett, Missouri, joined a checkout line at Wal-Mart where her cousin was buying goods. The store accused her of line-jumping and called the police.

Even if she had cut ahead in the line, this act was at worst a breach of store protocol - not a crime. And it's certainly not a crime that warrants 15 years in prison.

But 15 years is what prosecutors are seeking.

For what?????

Furthermore, when the young woman's family organized a protest against the trumped-up charges, the Ku Klux Klan issued threats against them.

Meanwhile, real criminals roam free - to make room in prison for people accused of line-jumping at Wal-Mart.

(Source: http://newsreleasenow.blogspot.com/2009/10/black-woman-faces-15-years-in-prison.html;

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