Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Court lets FBI gag free speech

How fascist is this?

The spleezox Patriot Act allows the FBI to send letters to ISP's and banks to demand records about customers without a warrant - in violation of the Constitution.

The Idiot Act also lets the FBI prohibit recipients of these letters from even disclosing that they received these letters. This also violates the Constitution.

And in the matchbook law world of the current makeup of much of the federal judiciary, this outrage is considered fine and dandy. Yesterday, a federal judge ruled that the FBI can continue to gag an ISP that received such a letter - even though they received the letter 5 years ago.

This gag order has in fact been used to suppress damning information about the FBI's Patriot Act abuses.

That's enough to make anyone gag.

That the government can violate the safeguard against warrantless searches and then violate the First Amendment by preventing the target of the search from even discussing it is more proof we no longer have a country.


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