Wednesday, April 15, 2009

BTPers still making us laugh

Who needs comedy clubs when you've got the Cincinnati Tea Party?

From a visual standpoint, there wasn't much new at today's laugh-a-thon that wasn't present at the March event. But I did detect one incredibly dumb sign I don't remember from last month:

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This tells you all you need to know about the BTPers' weak understanding of the Constitution.

Since that sign is hard to read, it says, "This is a Christian nation." It says the United States was "founded to legislate, propagate, and secure" the Christian faith.

Then what's all this separation of church and state that the Bill of Rights keeps talking about?

A few of you might be wondering what the fuss is, but from a constitutional perspective, the other side has pretty much dashed their case by displaying their lack of understanding of the establishment clause.

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