Thursday, October 1, 2009

Traffic deaths soar under 21 drinking age

Here's some food for thought: Traffic fatalities on Kentucky highways have increased during the first 9 months of this year, compared to the same time period in 2008.

Twenty-two percent of these deaths were alcohol-related - up from 20% last year.

These statistics were released just after MADD officials produced yet another op-ed praising the nationally imposed 21 drinking age.

This blog does not support drunken driving. But the 21 drinking age (which was signed into law by Reagan) is a failure, and the latest numbers are further evidence. And the United States stands almost alone among the world's lands in enforcing such a restrictive policy.

Kentucky and other states need to step up to the plate and decide not to be bullied any longer by a failed federal mandate.

Meanwhile, some of national 21's dwindling number of apologists think they're entitled to their own bogus "facts" to support their stance. Well, I think we should let the latest statistics speak for themselves. Unfortunately, this pattern has been seen for years.


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