Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Castro retires

At least Bush is right about something for once in his worthless life: Not long ago, Disgeorge gloated that Fidel Castro would be out of power before him. Now the 81-year-old Cuban leader has resigned amid ailing health.

With regime change in Cuba, I hope someone in the U.S. Congress has the guts to speak the i-word sometime in the next 11 months so that the United States becomes the next country with a regime change. (Quite frankly, the Supreme Court Justices aren't getting any younger, so Congress has to act fast on impeachment.)

(Source: http://www.afp.com/english/news/stories/newsmlmmd.fce074e0275fae2a0c16383ec4973c96.191.html)

1 comment:

  1. When they said on the news this morning "A longtime dictator has retired" I was hoping it was George W.

    Can't have everything, I guess..
