Friday, November 1, 2013

Tim to media: Shut up about Obamacare

To be sure, there's some problems with the Affordable Care Act - but the things The Media gripes about aren't among them.

Website woes? Not for me. Never had a simdgen of trouble with the Obamacare website.

Losing insurance coverage? Didn't happen to me when I signed up.

Paying more now than before? That didn't happen either.

Consumer Reports has debunked the claims that people can't keep their insurance or have to pay more, but I just wanted to relay my personal experiences. It's time for the rest of the media to zip its lip, because they don't know what they're talking about. In fact, I think the pop-up media just made up shit.

If The Media hates Obamacare so much, they should endorse single payer. I still hope single payer will be the next step.

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