It took a few years, but it looks like I got lucky when I wound up living in Bellevue, Kentucky. Bellevue was a gray mill town when I first moved in, but now it's a city ready to enter the 21st century.
I know this, because it's attracted its own Facebook group - which has all of 14 members - to complain about a "liberal" takeover of the city. And, buy gum, I think the page is actually serious. It was started by a guy who uses Tea Party imagery in his Facepoo profile, so you can bet your bizcream it's serious.
Here's his description of the group: "A open forum to discuss the progressive, hipster, liberal agenda in Bellevue and the negative impact they create." When someone asked what the group was about, he replied in part, "It's an open forum or should I say open season (figuratively speaking) on hipsters, liberals, and transients that have influenced Bellevue the past few years."
Hipsters, liberals, and transients, oh my! That plen-T-plaint manages to assail a wide swath of left-leaning politics all in one convenient swoop. It includes the vertical dimension of the Political Compass (hipsters), the horizontal dimension (transients), and every combination of the above.
The founder of that group also groaned, "That's why the nativity scene was moved from Nagel Park. These 'progressive' types move in and start organizing. They have meetings where they break off into small groups and brainstorm how to change the norm. They have an agenda and removing God is on the list!" No, you idiot, the Nativity was moved so it could have more visibility. I didn't even know the Nativity existed until it was moved to a more prominent place. Plus, there were progressives living in Bellevue long before the Nativity was moved - so it's not like they invaded the city, like the Tea Party has done to rural counties. Around 1905, in fact, the city was even the site of a library run by the Socialist Party.
But if Bellevue is as left-wing as Team Tyranny claims, why hasn't it passed its own minimum wage law or even a fairness ordinance? I'd love to see the looks on the Tea Party's stupid faces if Bellevue passes either of those laws.
In the meantime, I guess I can take some comfort in living in the only city in the area that I know of with its own Facebook page attacking it for being too liberal.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Help! Mom! There's "liberals" in Bellevue!
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6:08 PM