Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Faircloth Amendment: the most fascist law you've never heard of

If you really needed any more proof that congressional Republicans have deliberately tried to harm the public, now you've got it.

In 1998, far-right Sen. Lauch Faircloth (R-North Carolina) wrote a law that capped the amount of public housing available nationwide. This law - called the Faircloth Amendment - says the government cannot fund construction or operation of new public housing units if it would result in a net increase in the amount of public housing.

This law is pure evil. Who is it designed to serve?

The country's population has increased by 50 million since then - and right-wing policies have only made poverty worse. Yet the Unfaircloth Amendment remains on the books.

Very few Americans have even heard of this law, and there hasn't been much movement to repeal it. It's shocking that a law that was enacted with such evil intent remains on the books without a prominent effort to repeal it.

One of the solutions to America's housing crisis has to be building more and better public housing. But the Faircloth Amendment prevents it. Congress has thus far failed to repeal it, so how can our leaders fight it?

Hopefully, as soon as we get an adult as President, they will use their executive power to render the Faircloth Amendment unenforceable - as it seems to be an illegal limit on the government's interest in ensuring the public's well-being.

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