Monday, October 31, 2011

Police bust Occupiers; teabaggers play victim

If you needed any more evidence of the degree of delusion harbored by the Tea Party thugs, you can now rest easy.
In Richmond, Virginia, city and state police broke up the Occupy Richmond rally. Yet the Richmond Tea Party claims the Occupy movement has received better treatment than them, and they're suing the city for $10,000.
Weird. I can't find ANY stories about cops dispersing a Tea Party event - in Richmond or anywhere. There have been hundreds of arrests of Occupy activists nationwide, but I don't know of ANY Tea Party busts, even though teabaggers have assaulted reporters and others and committed various other violations of the law. That's prima facie proof right there that the teagaggers have been receiving preferential treatment.
But Occupy Richmond refuses to be defeated. As in Cincinnati, they pop right back up after each bust. Good for them!

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