Friday, September 21, 2012

Lawn Chair Quarterback: "Phone Company Strikes Again"

Because this is a day ending in y, my Internet access - which comes from the phone company - is slow. But last night, I decided to do somethin' 'bout it: I e-mailed the phone company to complain.

This morn, they replied saying they'd call me. They really stepped in it, didn't they?

I don't want them to contact me. I want them to fix my slow Internet. I made it perfectly clear what the problem was, and if they don't understand it without contacting me, that's their fucking problem. Plus, if they need to contact me, they're to e-mail me - not call me. I thought I made that clear to them ages ago.

Best of all, they don't have my phone number. I don't use the phone company for phone service. I got rid of my landline largely because their service was so miserable. I suspect they know they don't have my number, so this amounts to a deliberate refusal to fix my Internet.

Our latest LCQ explores the phone company's silliness...

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