Wednesday, March 20, 2013

GOP wants to hang up on phone service for the poor

GOP evil never ends.

Congressional Republicans now want to shut down a program called Lifeline - which funds phone service for tens of millions of low-income Americans. The Media calls this program the "Obamaphone", even though it began in 1985 and was expanded to cell phones back in 2005 - long before President Obama took office.

Lifeline is one of the most efficient government programs and yields some of the best results. The program has saved lives by paying for phone service that allows people to call for help in case of an emergency.

Far-right wrath against Lifeline was aggravated last year when a video appeared featuring a woman saying she would vote for Obama because he gave her a free phone. That video has since been debunked as a hoax.

Now, Rep. Tim Griffin (R-Arkansas) has introduced a bill that would bar Lifeline from funding potentially life-saving cell phone service.

Republicans also use the budget sequester to try to justify cutting Lifeline, but they don't seem willing to cut a penny from their bloated "defense" programs or their failed Washington, D.C., school voucher program. When it comes to wasting taxpayer money, the GOP wins hands-down.

Fascist class warfare and government waste rule the roost in the modern Republican Party.


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