Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tide turns against...lowfat milk

Say, what would this blog be without a good old-fashioned food story every now and then? Just looking out for you and your family!

I'll never forget the Andy Rooney segment back in 2005 that angrily lamented the declining quality of milk. "Can't tell some of it from Diet Coke," he declared...

Now everyone else finally seems to be demanding better milk, and surely there must be some worrywart somewhere who thinks this is a sign of society's ruin.

I try to avoid lowfat mayonnaise, because the fat is substituted with artificial cellulose gel. Now researchers in at least 3 different studies say whole milk is actually healthier than lowfat milk. The findings have been published in the European Journal Of Nutrition, the Scandinavian Journal Of Primary Health Care, and the Archives Of Diseases In Childhood. It could be that whole milk is more filling and prevents overindulging. Or it could be that milkfat improves metabolism.

Indeedity-doodledy, consumers are switching back to whole milk, after years of favoring watery lowfat varieties. The CEO of Organic Valley - a cooperative of farmers - said sales of whole milk are up 10%, while skim milk sales are down.

Hopefully, science will win before whole milk is completely banned. It's a shame the Kentucky Farm Bureau is so busy trying to enact right-wing legislation like "right-to-work" that it doesn't care about something like this.

(Source: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2014/02/12/275376259/the-full-fat-paradox-whole-milk-may-keep-us-lean)

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