I'm tired of hearing right-wing extremists complain about being persecuted.
Kim Davis is not being persecuted. Marriage equality is the law of the land - and this ruling has a firm basis in constitutional law. The embattled Rowan County Clerk has no right to hide behind religion to deny people a legal right.
Nobody has been persecuted in modern America more than the Left has. And no family in modern America has been responsible for more atrocities than the Bush crime family. Under the thugocracy of George W. Bush, the IRS tried to close down an Episcopal church in California because its officials opposed the Iraq War. The Bush regime even ordered the church to turn over all documents related to an antiwar sermon.
So it's true what they say: Christians really are being persecuted.
Contrast the official response to Occupy versus that to the Tea Party. Can you recall any Tea Party event where police lined up protesters and systematically sprayed tear gas in their faces? What Tea Party rally has ever been met by cops in riot gear? I avidly attended and helped organize Occupy Cincinnati events, and I know firsthand Occupy is far more peaceful than the violent Tea Party.
Who has been locked up without due process for his political views? You're lookin' at him. Who was expelled from a public university for his political views? You're lookin' at him. How many conservatives have been expelled from school for their politics? Has it ever happened?
The Far Right governs by suppression. The Left has been victimized by a systematic program of censorship, violence, and detention.
Friday, September 4, 2015
Left biggest target of persecution
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3:57 PM