Saturday, September 7, 2019

Someone put a Kroger bag in the toilet

We don't call it Ploptoberfest for nothing!

Today, I went to the Covington Oktoberfest. We call it Ploptoberfest, because of the long-running tradition of people clogging toilets in the portable outhouses with various household items. I don't think it'll ever match the greatness of Cincinnati's Ploptoberfest of perhaps a decade ago, when people used to put pants and phone books in the toilets. But I did notice today that someone put a plastic grocery bag from Kroger and a Reese cup wrapper in the toilet. The Kroger logo bobbed up and down in the abysmal depths of the dumper.

That plastic bag is gonna do a number (like 5) on the toilet cleaning equipment. Toilets are designed to accept pee and poo - not plastic bags. It's no different for a portable outhouse than it is for a latrine at a fixed location.

I left Ploptoberfest early because it was boring. But some woman was in a festive enough mood that she bubbled. Also, A Person Chewed Gum And Thought It Was Funny. But that's Last Word material, not really 'Pail material.

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